Are you a business client? We can make your business printing easier for you!



Here at GLOW PRINT we know how expensive and time-consuming it can be organising and ordering all of your print work and Graphic Design needs.

We have a unique option available for medium to large businesses that will give you more control over your printing solutions and save you money in expensive design fees.


We can create a corporate portal specifically for your business.



What is a corporate portal?

A Corporate Portal gives you your own personalised portal with pricing and products tailored to your needs. The portal is branded with your logo for a more personalised experience.

Our team will work with you to set up only the print products you need, making navigation and ordering easier.


A unique feature we also offer is setting up your regularly printed products such as business cards as a template in the design studio. Which makes editing your business cards or other printed material, quick and easy without the need for a Graphic Designer.


Bonuses of a Corporate Portal ....



Having a Corporate Portal has a few added extras -

  •  30 day account through Credit Watch

Giving you 30 days to pay your account with us, making it easier to manage your account, your way.

  • 10% discount if you pay within 14 days

We reward you for paying your account early, with a 10% discount if it is paid within 7 days



Other benefits ....



Do you have more than 1 department in your business or corporation? We can set up your portal with individual departments, which means you can assign certain design templates to certain departments. Keeping a clear division in your print and design collateral. This also allows complete privacy on sensitive documents and information.


Access to your own admin panel, where you can see your orders and download any information you need including invoices and order history. Your portal allows you complete control over your print ordering.




What is the cost of a Corporate Portal?

Absolutely nothing! All you need to do is contact us and we will discuss your business printing needs.


Want to find out more? Click here to contact us!